The cancer rehabilitation team consists of advanced clinical specialist clinicians and support workers across occupational therapy, physiotherapy and dietetics.

The service aims to provide the highest level of evidence-based rehabilitation to patients experiencing problems related to cancer diagnosis and/or treatments, to help people live life as fully as possible. This can include:

  • Engaging with day-to-day activities
  • Managing fatigue, anxiety and breathlessness
  • Nutrition and hydration issues
  • Helping with weight loss and weight gain
  • Improving mobility
  • Managing scar tissue after surgery
  • Returning to meaningful life activities including work
  • Managing taste changes
  • Enabling end of life care planning

Additionally, the team provides specialist occupational therapy input into St Luke’s hospice.

Who we see

The team is here to support and treat people with complex needs related to their cancer diagnosis and/or treatment. Patients must be:

  • Aged 18 years or over
  • Registered with a GP within the South Cheshire and Vale Royal area

The team will always accept referrals for people with a diagnosis of malignant brain tumour or metastatic spinal cord compression.

How to access the service

Patients can be referred by any health or social care professional.


The team is based at Infinity House in Crewe, however will see you in your own home, in a clinic, or virtually, dependent on your needs and preferences.

Contact details

The service operates from 8.30 – 4.30 Monday to Friday excluding bank holidays.
