All Trust written patient information is available in Easy Read, audio, Braille, large print and other languages upon request.  Please contact the department you are attending for further details.


Easy Read is a way of making written information easier to understand. It is used by people who have difficulty with standard information. 

The Trust want to help people to have a better understanding of their hospital stay and their overall care and treatment wherever possible.

To access the Trust Easy Read leaflets please click here Patient Leaflets :: Mid Cheshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust (

Here are some other useful external links to help you:

Easy Health produce many patient information leaflets in easy read format.

LeDeR - Resource Bank provides may useful resources to health and care professionals supporting people with a learning disability or people who are autistic with their health or care.


Audio, Braille and large print are ways of making written information accessible to blind and visually impaired people. 


Information can be translated in other languages where written English is not a persons first language.