A carer is someone of any age who provides unpaid care for another person (of any age) who may be ill or frail, have disabilities, have mental health or drug and alcohol problems, meaning they are unable to manage without this care and support.

A carer may provide one, or many, types of care, such as:

  • Emotional support: listening and talking
  • Practical support: cleaning, cooking, washing, ironing or shopping
  • Medication support: picking up medication, reminding about medication, or physically helping someone with tablets or creams
  • Personal care: eating, getting to the toilet, washing and dressing
  • Physical care: mobility support around their home

You do not need to be a full-time carer to access help and support; and accessing support does not signify an inability to cope. Carers play a crucial role in the life of the individual they care for, which is why the Trust want to make it as easy as possible for carers when the person they care for is in hospital or receiving community care.

We want to ensure that you are involved as much as you want to be in their care, bearing in mind their condition and their wishes.

More information can be found in our Carer Passport.

In our nursing assessment, staff will ask you if you wish to be involved. If this is the case, then a Carer Involvement Care Plan will be implemented. This will mean that staff will talk to the patient and you explaining what the staff will do and what the carer will do. We are very aware that carers often know the patient best and we will listen to what you say.  There will be an opportunity to talk with staff to see that what you have decided together is working.

Requesting a Carers Needs Assessment

If you need information about Carer Needs Assessments for those who care for adults, please access the relevant Local Authority for your area by clicking the links below:

Cheshire East Adult Carers assessment and eligibility (cheshireeast.gov.uk)

Cheshire West- Carer's Assessment (cheshirewestandchester.gov.uk)For information about all aspects of social care and support, please click the link below:

Support and benefits for carers - Social care and support guide - NHS (www.nhs.uk)