The Declarations of Interests Register enables all staff to be as open as possible and declare any actual or potential conflict of interest. It is the responsibility of all staff to ensure that they are not placed in a position which risks, or appears to risk, conflict between their private interests and their NHS duties.
The Trust publishes annually the register of interests of the Board of Directors.
The Trust will publish annually declarations of interest for all 'decision-making staff', including Consultants and senior nursing and management staff. This includes providing a Nil return where they have nothing to declare. This information is then published on the Trust website for public scrutiny.
The interests of the Council of Governors are published annually on the Council of Governors page. Further information on how the Trust manages conflicts of interest is available from the Company Secretary at
Staff Register of Interests 2021-22 (August 2021) (PDF document)
Register of Gifts and Hospitality 2021-22 (August 2021) (PDF document)
Register of Donations of Goods and Services during Covid-19 April - July 2020 (August 2020) (PDF document)
As of 1 December 2022, the Trust now has a dedicated declaration web portal where all staff declarations are published -