Picture 019.jpegThe Upper GI Cancer Team at Leighton Hospital consists of Consultant Surgeons, Gastroenterologists, Oncologists, Radiologists, Pathologists, Clinical Nurse Specialists and Allied Health Professionals with specialist expertise and knowledge of Upper GI cancers.

From Leighton, we link in with our specialist centre colleagues at the University Hospitals of North Midlands to ensure a seamless, effective and efficient service for all of our patients. Surgery and Radiotherapy is delivered at The Royal Stoke University Hospital whilst Chemotherapy can be delivered locally within our purpose built Macmillan Cancer Unit.

Upper GI Cancer investigations and subsequent treatments can at first appear quite complex and daunting. With this is mind, from the point of referral, all patients are seen promptly by a member of the specialist team and each individual case will be presented and discussed within our Multi-disciplinary Team (MDT) meetings. Patients will be guided through the relevant tests and investigations and will be actively involved in decisions regarding their care.

Information for Patients and their Families

Leighton Hospital
Middlewich Road

Tel: 01270 612266

Supportive and palliative care is about providing support at all stages of a person’s experience with cancer.  Supportive care means helping patients and their families cope with cancer and its treatment.  Palliative care is intended to reduce and relieve symptoms when it is not possible to cure the cancer.

Palliative care is not just for patients with cancer, it is also available for patients with other life threatening diseases for whom treatment is no longer possible.

The specialist palliative care team at Mid Cheshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust consists of two Macmillan Nurses and a visiting Consultant in Palliative Care, all of whom are experienced and trained in specialist palliative care.  The team works closely with other clinical nurse specialists, ward nurses, doctors and other health care professionals, in order to ensure the appropriate care is received.

The goal of palliative care is to achieve the best possible quality of life for patients, and to help with concerns of the patients and their carers.

What can the specialist palliative care team help with?

We offer an advisory, supportive service for patients, families and staff.  We aim:

  • To provide advice and support to reduce and relieve symptoms that may be of the most concern to you.
  • To provide an opportunity for you to discuss physical, emotional and social needs.
  • To provide an opportunity for you to express your thoughts and feelings.
  • To offer advice and support to your family and carers if you would like it.
  • To work closely with members of the hospital team involved in your care.
  • To make contact with the community teams who could be involved in your care following discharge from hospital.
  • To link up with your local hospice services for inpatient, outpatient or day care treatment, if appropriate.

How to contact us

If you feel that you would benefit from the talking to one of the Hospital Macmillan Palliative Care Nurses, the ward or clinic staff would be happy to make contact on your behalf. Alternatively, please contact us on the number below:

01270 612266 (direct line)

The service is available:

Monday – Friday, 8am – 4.00pm

What is end of life care?

End of life care is usually considered for patients who are in the last months, weeks or days of their life. It is our belief that all patients should be involved in any decision making regarding their care, including choices at the end of their life regarding how and where they would like to be supported and cared for. 

It is important that your wishes and beliefs are respected and your dignity is maintained. A number of different health professionals, both in hospital and the community, may be involved in this care and decision making, including the hospital’s Specialist Palliative Care Team.

We have provided further information via the following links should you wish to view it.

Upper Gastrointestinal Secretaries

Mr De Santis & Mr Andrei Chilie's Secretary  

Rebecca Annals

Telephone: 01270 612441

Mr David Corless's & Mr Vamshi Jagadesham's Secretary

Jackie Young

Telephone: 01270 612344

Clinical Nurse Specialists

Vicky Woodall

Telephone: 01270 273803

Email : vicky.woodall@mcht.nhs.uk

Caroline Firth (job share with Lesley)

Telephone: 01270 273803

Email: caroline.firth@mcht.nhs.uk

Lesley Prestwich (job share with Caroline)

Telephone: 01270 273803

Email: lesley.prestwich@mcht.nhs.uk

Support worker

Sabrina Choudhury

Telephone: 01270 273803

Email: karima.choudhury@mcht.nhs.uk

Macmillan Chemotherapy Suite (Leighton Hospital)

Telephone: 01270 273601

University Hospitals of North Midlands

Royal Stoke Switchboard Telephone: 01782 715444

County Hospital Switchboard Telephone: 01785 257731

Chemotherapy Unit (Royal Stoke)

Telephone: 01782 672555

Radiotherapy Unit (Royal Stoke)

Telephone: 01782 672600