Digital Dictation User Manuals

We have uploaded a number of guides and manuals for those who use Digital Dictation at the Trust. Please click the link below to access the latest versions.

Digital Dictation is changing

This project is part of the Digital Clinical System (DCS) transformational programme which is changing the way we work to bring many benefits for patients and staff.

We are embracing the benefits of digital technology to help us deliver outstanding care.

What's happening?

Our new Digital Dictation system will be roled out in three phases, starting in autumn 2023 and finishing with the third and final phase which will coincide with the launch of our new Electronic Patient Record (EPR) in autumn 2024.

The first phase aims to go live this autumn, starting with early adopters.

Using a three-phased approach, we are replacing our current Digital Dictation system, provided by Winscribe, with new software provided by 3M technology.

Ultimately, once all three phases are delivered, dictation, listening, transcribing and distribution of letters will be done via the new system, provided by 3M.

What is phase one?

By delivering this new way of working in three phases, we will give people chance to test, train and learn how to use the new Digital Dictation software and adapt to change.

Phase one will involve a replacement of the current dictation system, introducing new software to be used for dictation of letters and documentation.

Phase one will not affect existing workflow (the process for distribution and storage of letters will stay the same). 

It will initially go live in Orthopaedics at our Trust and in Cardiology in East Cheshire NHS Trust (ECT) – these initial go live specialties will be known as ‘Early Adopters’.

What is happening in Orthopaedics at our Trust?

Orthopaedics will be one of two early adopter areas for the Digital Dictation project. This means staff in this area will be the first to use the new Digital Dictation system, provided by 3M, before it is rolled out across the Trust.

As an early adopter, Orthopaedics staff will get the first chance to test, train and learn how to use the new Digital Dictation software.

How will the new system be tested?

The system will be robustly tested before Winscribe is disabled. Devices will be tested to ensure the new Digital Dictation system is compatible with:

  • Dictaphones
  • Tethered speech microphones
  • Foot pedals
  • Mobile devices (Android and iOS)

How will staff be trained?

Training will start around two weeks before the go live. Training will be provided in various ways, including:

  • E-learning
  • Face-to-face training for early adopters
  • Workplace training on wards and departments (elbow learning).

What next?

Please make your teams aware of this piece of work and inform the relevant clinical and non-clinical staff (typist and transcriptionists) who will be affected by the change. The DCS project team will be in touch with users diret to discuss testing and training nearer to the go live. 

Please keep up to date on activity via this web page and take the opportunity to visit the monthly drop in sessions to find out more about the new Digital Dictation system.

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